You're currently viewing an old version of this dataset. Data files may not match the old version of the metadata. View the current version.
Tahun 2021
Dataset description:
Nama Bupati dan Masa Jabatannya di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir, meliputi: 1. Nama Bupati 2. Jabatan 3. Masa Jabatan
Source: Nama Bupati dan Masa Jabatannya di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir
Data Dictionary
Column | Type | Label | Leírás |
Mező | Érték |
Data last updated | 2022. október 31. |
Metadata last updated | 2022. október 31. |
Created | 2022. október 31. |
Formátum | CSV |
Licenc | Creative Commons Attribution |
Ckan url | |
Datastore active | True |
Datastore contains all records of source file | True |
Has views | True |
Hash | fb4dcf17e6da3b84e4e45b5eb3faa8cc |
Id | 40efdd3d-d15e-49cf-9396-2225e7fb8029 |
Mimetype | text/csv |
Original url | |
Package id | d82bc595-2a81-4ea8-9bdc-9a603f95dfff |
Position | 3 |
Resource id | 40efdd3d-d15e-49cf-9396-2225e7fb8029 |
Size | 4,4 KiB |
State | active |
Task created | 2022-10-31 03:51:48.812152 |
Url type | upload |